Google News – Everything you Need to Know - Welcome to Idowu Atayero's Blog

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Google News – Everything you Need to Know

You might have noticed that many times on Google Search results you tend to see few results as “In the news”, this section is known as Google News and only the sites that are listed in Google News will pop up in this section. This is a great source of traffic as little or no SEO is required to drive traffic from Google News.

What is Google News?

Google News is a section of search results, where few Google News listed websites especially those big media houses, popular channels appear with latest breaking news. The procedure for getting listed will be discussed in a separate article.
pewdiepie on google news
You can also access Google News section directly by heading over to
In this article, I will discuss few common doubts people have regarding Google News. Also, the most common question asked i.e How to get listed in google news will be answered in a separate article.

What is the Advantage of Google News?

As mentioned earlier in this article Google News doesn’t require much SEO work to be done. All you need is to focus on pushing high-quality content in good quantity. If you are articles are of good quality then your google news listed site automatically builds up authority and starts appearing on the front page more frequently.

Do you have to pay Google for getting listed in News section?

No, it’s completely free of cost.

Can we drive good traffic from Google News?

Yes, Google News is an abundant source of traffic. The news traffic is x100 times more than the regular organic traffic. But again it works only for news sites. If you are running a tutorial based website or how to guide site then Google News is not for you.

Who can get benefited from Google News?

Google News doesn’t turn out to be fruitful for everyone. Even though your site is a google news approved one it has to push high-quality content every day in large volumes. For the same, your website/blog must have multiple authors who write for various categories. So, if you are managing a blog/website that publishes content in great volumes every day, that too latest news stories then yes Google News will benefit you. But if you are just a regular blogger who blogs few articles every week then Google News is of no use for you.

How many days does your article last on Google News?

Generally they say your articles get automatically removed from google news after 45 days but the appearance on google news gets vanished within 2-4 days. As google news primarily focus on fresh content, your articles will get replaced by other google news listed websites with high authority.

Do my articles appear in Organic Section along with Google News?

Yes, rest everything is normal. All your articles will get indexed in google organic results. Google News is just a bonus and it will help in boosting your organic rankings as well.
I have noticed many times my queries appears both on the news and on the front page of google simultaneously. This will improve the CTR on search results thereby multiplying your traffic.

Already have a Google News website? Here is how to improve its appearance on Google News

Google News is very strict and they keep on monitoring sites listed in the news section. If they find some website that is spammy or not worthy of listing in news section they will certainly take action one day.
So, make sure that you add value to Google News rather than just focusing on Traffic. If you add value then automatically your search appearance will start improving.
  1. Publish more articles per day. Publishing articles in huge volumes is one the key factor. This will multiply your news appearance every day. When you are focusing on pushing more articles do not compromise with quality.
  2. Proper category targeting is another most important thing.
  3. Breaking news early can help you drive traffic directly from and the google news app which most of the people have them on their mobiles/tab.

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